If Else If Example Java Program


IF conditional statement is a feature of this programming language which perform different computations or actions depending on whether a programmer-specified boolean condition evaluates to true or false. Apart from the case of branch predication, this is always achieved by selectively altering the control flow based on some condition.


if statements in Java are similar to those in C and use the same syntax:
	if (expression) {
	elseif (expression)	{

If Else If Example Program

import java.util.Scanner;

class IfElseIfExample{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		Scanner in=new Scanner(System.in);
		System.out.println("Enter the number: ");
		int num=in.nextInt();
		if(num>=1 && num<=10){
			System.out.println("The given number lies between 1 and 10");
		else if(num>=11 && num<=20){
			System.out.println("The given number lies between 11 and 20");
		else if(num>=21 && num<=30){
			System.out.println("The given number lies between 21 and 30");
		else if(num>=31 && num<=40){
			System.out.println("The given number lies between 31 and 40");
			System.out.println("The given number is greater than 40");

Sample Output

Output is:
Enter the number:
The given number is greater than 40