Protected Access Specifier Example Java Program


Access specifiers are keywords in object-oriented languages that set the accessibility of classes, methods, and other members. Access modifiers are a specific part of programming language syntax used to facilitate the encapsulation of components. Protected access specifier can be applied to both instance variables and methods. It offers a level of protection intermediate to that offered by the private and public specifiers. Variables and methods declared protected are accessible from the classes defined in the same package and also from subclasses which are defined in other packages.


private class class_name{
	//Do something
private method_name(){
	//Do something

Protected Access Specifier Example Program

public class ProtectedAccessSpecifier {
	protected static String ProtectedMethod(){
		return "This is inside a protected method";
	System.out.println("" + ProtectedMethod());

Sample Output

Output is:
This is inside a protected method