Enum Map Example Java Program


EnumMap is a specialized Map implementation for use with enum type keys. All of the keys in an enum map must come from a single enum type. Enum maps are maintained in the natural order of their keys.


EnumMap<enum-name, value-type> variable-name

EnumMap Example Program

import java.util.EnumMap;

public class EnumMapExample {

    enum Directions {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EnumMap<Directions, String> map = new EnumMap<Directions, String>(Directions.class);
        map.put(Directions.NORTH, "North Direction");
        map.put(Directions.SOUTH, "South Direction");
        map.put(Directions.EAST, "East Direction");
        map.put(Directions.WEST, "West Direction");

        System.out.println("The values in EnumMap are : " + map);

        System.out.println("Size of EnumMap : " + map.size());
        System.out.println("Value in key : " + Directions.EAST + " is : " + map.get(Directions.EAST));
        System.out.println("Checking if the EnumMap contains key : " + Directions.NORTH + " : " + map.containsKey(Directions.NORTH));
        System.out.println("Checking if the EnumMap contains value South Direction : " + map.containsValue("South Direction"));


Sample Output

The values in EnumMap are : {NORTH=North Direction, SOUTH=South Direction, EAST=East Direction, WEST=West Direction}
Size of EnumMap : 4
Value in key : EAST is : East Direction
Checking if the EnumMap contains key : NORTH : true
Checking if the EnumMap contains value South Direction : true